We make every effort to be the best possible partner for those who use our services

  • Our Values

    At Kallermann Revision A/S, we base our actions on a set of values
    which we strive to live up to in our day-to-day work.

Auditing and accounting

Auditing is our core activity. We conduct each audit with a team tailored to the assignment. Together with the client, and using the latest audit programs, we carry out an effective quality-based audit.

Tax, VAT and payroll

We have specialists who can advise you on personal and corporate taxation, succession planning, restructuring, international taxation, VAT, excise duties etc.

Mergers and acquisitions

Our partners have 25 years’ experience of assignments related to the purchase and sale of companies. We will be happy to arrange a meeting to tell you about our experience of advising buyers and sellers.

Our Values

At Kallermann Revision A/S, we base our actions on a set of values which we strive to live up to in our day-to-day work.

Professional competence

We are known for having a high professional standard. We are continually seeking to enhance the quality of our services through additional education and improvement of our work procedures in order to meet our quality targets.

Externally, we keep our skills up to date by giving and attending talks, teaching and publishing articles.

It goes without saying, that we are included in the Quality Assurance Review carried out by the Danish Supervisory Authority on Auditing, just as we are members of the Institute of State Authorized Public Accountants in Denmark

Long-term relationships

We believe that long-term relationships are the foundation of good cooperation.

Therefore, we wish for long-term relations both with our clients and our employees. We believe that an effective cooperation requires shared knowledge, which can be acquired only through relations spanning several years.


No client should ever be in doubt about our commitment and desire to deliver good service.


Being responsible towards clients, colleagues and external partners is an integrated part of our everyday, and we also seek to take our share of social responsibility.

About Kallermann Revision A/S

Kallermann Revision A/S was established in 2001.

The partners in the company, and many of the employees, have a background in the four large international auditing companies. There we learned the importance of quality, professional competence and discipline.

Added to this comes our customer-oriented service concept, which provides us with close contact to our customers and a sincere interest in the customer’s business and financial situation.

The combination of our professional background and the enthusiasm of our highly-skilled employees has enabled us to create an auditing and consultancy business of which we are proud.

Our partnership

On an international level, we are an independent member company of Morison Global – an international cooperation between independent auditing companies. Since Morison Global is represented in over 75 countries, we have a unique opportunity of obtaining local, specialist knowledge worldwide.

You can read more about Morison Global here: www.morisonglobal.com

We serve Danish and international clients from our offices in Helsingør (Elsinore)

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